Saturday, June 26, 2004 One of the best forum related to blogs

Very lively forum with good and informative discussions on various aspects for blogs spanning from templates, seo, add-ons, webhosts etc. For adding posts to the forum you have to register. Please do not forget to attach signature to your postings as it would add to the backlinks for search engines.

The major discussions topics going on in this forum are:-

`` Blog Newbies : This the starting place for all new Blogger users.
`` Blog Add-ons: Discussions about third-party Blog add-ons.
`` Template Design: Ask questions here about Blogger template editing and more advanced template editing solutions.
`` Show your blog: Constructive critcism of that new blog you just created.
`` Getting Noticed: This forum is to discuss search engine positioning (SEP), search engine optimization (SEO), and linking strategies.

The Url for the forum :