Friday, May 21, 2004

Gmail : why people are worried

Google has changed the way search engines work and deliver. Every search engine in some way follows google algo. Google has done it to the best honestly & effectively. Nobody suspects the way google works and it has build a brand of its own.

What is email used for. Is email is not a way of communication in real sence. Why shout from the email marketing companies. If they do not like adwords they could exclude gmail from their mail list. They know when gmail will come it will come big and would be major threat to all bigies.

I personally like the gmail consept and the 1 GB space it is providing. It would prevent bullying of the big names with message like "your mailbox has excedded limit. Upgrade your account for more disk space".

Goo google go. I would shift my mailbox to gmail if provided so do a lot of people, waiting for it.